Adult class in the Library – The adults in this class jointly choose the curriculum they will study – from a book of the Bible to a thought-provoking book by a contemporary author. Each curriculum lasts for several weeks. This class is lead by one of the individuals in the class.
Youth class in the History Room – Taught by our pastor, the youth study everything from church history, to Biblical liturgy, to discussion of relevance and inclusion of faith in their adolescent lives. The group periodically creates a presentation they deliver to the congregation during worship or plans a fundraising event for the church, such as the annual Souper Bowl of Caring.
Elementary class in their classroom – This young group combines Bible lessons with crafts and projects each Sunday. Learning at an early age about service to those in need, one of the ongoing projects for this class is their decoration and assembly of the Grace Bags for St. Luke’s feeding of the
Nursery – Infants and toddlers are cared for by Red Cross trained childcare personnel who are certified in infant/child CPR and first aid. This group of children is escorted by their caregivers into the worship service each week for the “Time for Young Disciples”. The nursery opens each Sunday in time for their parents to attend Sunday school class and extends through worship (9:00-11:15).
Visitors and new members are always welcome! Please join us.